
PaycheckPlus wins Best Business Practice Excellence Award 2014

PaycheckPlus - winners of the Best Business Practice Excellence at the Fingal Dublin Chamber Awards
PaycheckPlus – winners of the Best Business Practice Excellence at the Fingal Dublin Chamber Awards

Proud members of the PaycheckPlus team with Founder and CEO Anne Reilly took to the stage at the glittzy Fingal Dublin Chamber Awards to accept their award for Business Business Practice Excellence.

This award was sponsored by Blanchardstown Centre to recognise businesses of any size that could show how the development and implementation of excellent business practices in customer service, business development or management processes underpin the success and growth of the business.   Shortlisted for the award were four strong contenders but PaycheckPlus emerged as the deserving winner on the night.

Judges commented on “the excellent and robust systems in place supported by stringent policies. The attention to detail was outstanding and this comprehensive approach has resulted in substantial growth and ongoing success”.

Paycheck Plus was a strong contender in this category and invest in continous improvement and development of their services.

Their Outsource Payroll services are tailored to suit employer needs and encompass robust processes and stringent policies setting the standards of best practice for the payroll sector. Data security and confidentiality coupled with qualified and experienced personnel give clients peace of mind that their payroll is in the most capable hands. Continual investment in their people and development of their services combine with excellent customer service to provide a winning formula for this leading Irish and UK Payroll Processing company.

WINNER Badge  Bus. Practice

     Congratulations and continued success to all at PaycheckPlus.

For more details of their payroll services or to request further information, contact Niamh or Anne at + 353 (0)41 686 3000.

PaycheckPlus – Making Payroll Easy.